Exceleration Tumbling Registration Form For Private Groups and Teams

Registration Date:

I understand that because of my child’s affiliation with his/her private group, he/she is receiving a significantly discounted tumbling tuition rate at Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer. If at any point, my child is no longer a part of his/her private group, I understand he/she is still eligible to finish his/her tumbling class at Exceleration until the session that I pre-paid for has ended. In the event that my child is injured, I understand that he/she is still welcome to come and stretch during his/her group/s tumbling class. I understand that any payment made to Exceleration is non-refundable and is due prior to my child’s first class. I also understand that Exceleration follows many of the state, school, and national holidays (which can be found on their website: www.excelerationutah.com) and that my child will not have tumbling during those times. I also understand that these holidays were factored into my tuition rate and that there are no make-up classes. Last, I understand that if my child’s primary advisor or coach cancels tumbling at Exceleration for any reason that Exceleration is not responsible for re scheduling or reimbursing for my child’s tumbling session.



• Jewelry constitutes a safety hazard and will not be allowed during class.

• Workout apparel for girls consists of a leotard, or biker shorts with a tight fitting exercise top. Boys should wear clean T-shirts and shorts without zippers or belts.

• Girls with long hair must wear it tied back in a ponytail or in braids for safety.

• No gum or candy is allowed in the gym area.

DROP OFF: Students should arrive at the gym 5 minutes before class begins. Do not drop your tumbler off earlier than 10 minutes before class, as this represents a supervision problem for the coaches and the management.

Gymnasts are not allowed on the equipment before their class begins, or after their class ends. Students are also expected to leave the workout area immediately after class, and should be picked up within 5 minutes of class dismissal.

Gymnasts are expected to observe safety rules, use self-control, and be courteous at all times.


Children not participating must be responsibly supervised by a parent and seated in the Viewing Area. Please do not drop off non-participant children to “watch” their brother or sister participate in gymnastics. We are not going to “babysit” non-participants and should not be expected to do so. A fee will be applied to your account for all unsupervised non-participants.


We encourage parents and visitors to observe their child’s lesson only once a month. This allows for a quieter atmosphere with greater concentration. When observing please do not interact or comment to your child as it is distracting to the rest of the class.


Names of neighbors or relatives who may be contacted if parents are not available:

Does the student(s) have any medical problems or limitations of which our staff needs to know about?

If yes, please explain the condition(s) below:


RELEASE OF LIABILITY WAIVER (For Adult Participants only, if applicable)

I/we, despite all reasonable precautions implemented for safety, am/are fully aware of and appreciate the risks, including the risk of catastrophic injury, as well as other damages and losses associated with participation in the programs or activities. I/we knowingly and willingly assume all such risks. Consequently, I/we hereby for myself, heirs, executors and the administers, do waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages against the owner, operators, coaches and other members of Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer from personal injury or accident of any sort or nature suffered by me/us, the undersigned, by reason of participation or membership in classes, lessons, or any programs or activities of Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer.



Please list all participant name(s), age(s), birth date(s), gender(s)

The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the above named student(s) request Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer to teach physical developmental skills to the student(s) in group classes. Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer will provide facilities and faculty to teach these group classes using Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer methods and in accordance with gym policies.

Tuition for this service will be as per the schedule previously published and amended and available in the Office at Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer. I, as parent, (student), have read and understand Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer’s policies and tuition rates.

In case of default in the payment of any amount due, Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer may declare the entire balance due and payable immediately and may bring legal action to recover any sums due here under. The undersigned will pay all costs of such recovery actions including interest, collection agency fees, and a reasonable attorney fee.

As Legal Guardian of:

hereafter, child(ren), I recognize that potentially severe injuries, including permanent paralysis or death can occur in sports or activities involving height or motion, including but not limited to tumbling, trampoline, dance, and cheerleading. Being fully aware of these dangers, I voluntarily consent the aforementioned person(s) participating in any and all, Exceleration programs, clinics, camps and activities and I ACCEPT ALL RISKS associated with that participation.

In consideration for allowing my child(ren) to use these facilities (including Exceleration’s parking lot), I, on my own behalf and the behalf of my child(ren) and our respective heirs, administrators, executors and successors, hereby COVENANT NOT TO SUE and FOREVER RELEASE Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees or agents from all liability for any and all damages or injuries suffered by my child(ren) while under the instruction, supervision, or control of Exceleration including, without limitation, those damages or injuries resulting from acts of negligence on the part of its officers, directors, shareholders, employees or agents.

In the event of an accident or emergency I would like my above mentioned child(ren) to be taken to a hospital for medical treatment and I hold Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer, and its representatives harmless in their execution of this matter. Additionally, I hereby agree to individually provide for all possible future medical expenses which may be incurred by my child(ren) as a result of any injury sustained while participating at or for Exceleration Tumbling and Cheer. I have read and understand this ASSUMPTION OF RISK and WAIVER OF LIABILITY and MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION and I VOLUNTARILY affix my name in agreement. I further certify that we have medical insurance coverage.

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Document name: Exceleration Tumbling Registration Form For Private Groups and Teams
lock iconUnique Document ID: 542aa62c68e1967d2290d20a5172fce85cfadeae
Timestamp Audit
September 2, 2016 6:03 pm MSTExceleration Tumbling Registration Form For Private Groups and Teams Uploaded by Whitney Stiggins - excelerationutah@gmail.com IP